Wednesday, August 29, 2012


As I sit here pondering life two days before we leave, I am visualizing all of the different journeys that we face throughout our lives. Our family's current journey is one that can be tracked on a map and measured geographically. Other life-changing journeys might lack the geography, but are no less significant in the grand scheme of things. I have friends facing journeys into new motherhood, ones figuring out what their future holds once the kids grow older, some face retirement journeys. My kids are all starting new phases in school : beginning kindergarten, middle school and high school.  It is scary to start a new journey, but always rewarding. I hold onto that thought as we say goodby to so many people that we love. It is also stunning to me how places can hold so many memories.  My daughter was born in our yellow house and our boys were 3 and 5 when we moved there. All of them hit so many milestones in that house and it is just full of memories.  It was crazy to see it completely empty and with bare walls. Now we are just crossing our fingers that a new family wants to move in and make new memories there.

On a happier note, technology has made our world so much more interconnected than it ever was. I love that I can follow so many of my friends through email, text, phone conversations, blogs and Facebook.  When Chris and I were doing the long-distance dating thing many moons ago, we racked up around $400/month in phone bills.  That was definitely the pre-Internet, pre-Skype era. Of course, it isn't the same as face-to-face communication, but I do think it will help all of us.

Oh, and how exciting is it that Chris is probably about 2 weeks out from holding our bid list!  The list of places where we will possibly spend the next 2 years of our lives. In the meantime, I'll leave you with a picture of our yellow house. Drop me a line if you know anybody who wants a cute family home in Winnetka Heights!

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