Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ni hao!

Yep, those are the only words of Chinese I know.  This is important because our next posting is in.....

We are thrilled by our posting. Lots of options for schools, lots of orthodontist choices for the kids, good work prospects for me.  It is also supposed to be a busy and interesting work environment for Chris.  Plus, it is a part of the world that we probably would not have visited on our own dime.  It is pretty cool that we get to live there for a couple of years.  I never thought I would actually get to see the Great Wall of China or Tiananmen Square or the Forbidden Palace. We are definitely up for visitors so please come!  We should even have a guest bedroom for you so that you don't have to sleep on a sofa.  We are supposed to leave towards the end of January/beginning of February so we have some time to start to prepare for life there.  I think it is a good idea to try to learn some basic Chinese, and we have to start getting children enrolled in schools, yadda yadda.  All of the stuff you have to do even if you are running away to China.   


  1. The No Va, DC area is a great place to be if you want to learn a new language! Do the FS people offer language lessons for families?

  2. Erin - this is amazing! i am so excited to live vicariously through you as you travel the world with your family. how are the kids feeling about it all now that the reality of what they are doing is settling in?
